St. Lucia Central Reservations


St. Lucia & The Greater St. Lucia Wetland Park Area





St. Lucia and the Greater St. Lucia Wetland Park area developed since the 1950 era due to the demands of the domestic recreational fisherman's for suitable accommodation and amenities in order to allow them to practice  this form of eco-tourism.  The warm waters of the Indian Ocean and marine eco-systems present on the coast of St. Lucia and the Greater St. Lucia Wetland Park area ensure a sustainable renewable resource for these eco- tourists.  

Sigurd F Olsen comes to the conclusion and states that exposure to the natural environment is ensuring spiritual values and the spiritual values of the environment should be rediscovered. It is common cause that he is addressing the fundamentals of the character composition of the specie Homo Sapiens. He aptly states in " The spiritual Aspects of Wilderness" that :

" It is far more than hunting, fishing, hiking, camping or canoeing; it has to do with the human spirit. And what we are trying to conserve is not scenery as much as the human spirit itself.  Not only has the wilderness been a force in molding our character as a people but it’s influence continues .........The intangible values of the wilderness are what really matter....the importance of the natural and the sense of oneness with the earth that inevitably comes within it. These are spiritual values. They, in the last analysis, are the reason for it’s preservation."

Ski Boat launching

Rock & Surf Fishermen

Fishing Facets that can be practiced


Due to the impact on natural resources this sport has, and based on scientific research, regulatory management of the sport has been introduced and participants are to ensure that they are aware of what the restrictions or requirements  for St. Lucia and the Greater St. Lucia Wetland Park area are, before embarking on a fishing safari.  Local offices of the regulatory authorities and local residents are very helpful to make this an exhilarating experience.  Tourists from other countries find it helpful to use the services of local tour operators specialising in fishing safaris as such ventures usually include all the equipment and specialised bait required which tourists normally do not carry along.

Deep Sea Ski Boat Fishing
Rock & Surf Angling
Kite Fishing
Saltwater Fly Fishing
Estuarine Angling
Spear Fishing
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What to Do

Deep Sea Ski boat Fishing